Quality Online Resources


Black powder rifles and cartridges 


Powder and Lead


General information


The Unblinking Eye Gun Pages by Ed Buffaloe - A wonderful resource for many hard to find and lesser known items. 


Resources by Country







The Civilian Marksmanship Program

CMP The armor's corner

CMP Wood cleaning article









Erl Svendsen Firearms Archive




The Lee-Enfield Rifle


Enfield-Stuff - The Lee-Enfield Rifle history and the individuals who carries them. 



Italian Firearms




il91 -  Excellent information on history, variants, markings, proofs, etc. In Italian and can be translated with google. 


Finnish Firearms


Finnish Firearms Research - Provenance, letters of authenticity, etc. 


Japanese Firearms

A guide to the Japanese Type 99 Arisaka - Great information and a collectors forum.  


Soviet Firearms



Swiss Firearms


Swiss rifles and pistols





The United States National Archives



Factory letters





Stolen gun database

Although not 100% complete, its the best we have outside law enforcement personnel and it never hurts to check on possible purchases in the future. 


Springfield Research Services 


Springfield Armory National Historic Site - Some interesting and unique variations on display here. 


Mental Health


Hold My Guns - If you, or someone you know is struggling with depression and/or suicidal thoughts, please know there are safe storage options and good people out there willing to help.  

Know the warning signs

24/7 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - Dial 998 or visit 998 lifeline.org