Our Story

MFC started as a passion project for the owner who always had a fascination with firearms, history and mechanics. Looking to blend these interests with a drive to contribute to a more positive, tolerant and understanding community... MFC was born. 
Many have interpreted this as 'Be the change you wish existed in the world', an ideology that's simple at its core and one that we embrace fully. The JSL Project was started as the outreach arm of MFC with the hopes of having some positive impact in the environments in which we exist one step at a time. It all starts with us individually and the impacts we have upon our surroundings. We strive to be kind, respectful and tolerant. It is free after all. 
Shooting sports were once a great American pastime. We taught safety, fundamentals, marksmanship in schools at a young age but today these programs are few and far between in terms of accessibility while at the same time marginalizing those interested in participating. We are working to do our part, representing how firearms are normal and not inherently evil, that it is the individual and their intensions that determine the how a tool is used. We believe education is key to helping others experience opportunities such as the sportsmanship of shooting competitions or the comfort and understanding of owning something for self defense. We do so by reaching out to communities not typically involved in the 2A lifestyle because THIS is the only way to gain more support and understanding of the great American gun culture. 
We buy and sell collections, memorabilia, consult and rent for film and television, sell merch, all in order to fund our outreach programs so that we may lead by example, as actions always speak louder than words. All of the proceeds from merchandise, YouTube revenue, sales, etc. are re-invested into funding our outreach programs. 
We accept donations, sponsor local events, offer free educational programs that help build a stronger and more inclusive 2A community. 
If you have something you might like to see or donate, please contact us at info@midwesternfc.org