Four Aces Derringer

The Four Aces derringer (marked "4 ACES" due to the size) is said to be a copy of the Sharps 4 barrel derringer. With a brass frame and four steel barrels, it has a rotating firing pin that indexes clockwise by cocking the hammer. 

For loading, the hammer is placed in half-cock and the barrel locking button is pressed on the underside of the frame. The barrels can then be slid forward for loading/unloading. 



Close up on the rifling in each barrel


There's even a brass front sight for the true optimist. 

Some US currency for scale


As with the Little Ace, the basic grips were black plastic/resin but other types such as fux perl have been seen and noted in original sales receipts. 

The consensus is that someone could order just about any type of personalization they wanted as these too were made by hand. 





Four Aces Mod. 1 Round Butt.

3 3/8" overall. 1 11/16th" barrel at 5 1/4 Oz. Four shot, .22 short. 


Four Aces Mod. 2 Square Butt.

3 5/8" overall. 1 11/16" barrel at 5 1/4 Oz. Four shot, .22 short. 



Four Aces Mod. 3 Round Butt.

3 3/4" overall. 2" Barrel weighing 5 1/4 Oz. Four shoot, .22LR. 



Four Aces Mod. 4 Square Butt.

4" overall. 2" Barrel weighing 5 1/2 Oz. Four Shoot, .22 Long Rifle. 



A dealers price list from the time for each of the models


Keyring or keychain model Four Aces



Rare Variations


Long barrel models

Two long barrel versions of the Four Aces have been documented so far. The brass frame has been extended as well as the four barrels. 

The first example is a Square butt (boot grip) as seen here. This particular example is missing a grip plate and hammer spring but did came with the original box, manual and wax paper.


The second is a round butt (birdshead grip) example with pearlescent grips. No box or paperwork was included with this example.


A Stainless Steel model

A rarity indeed, this stainless steel model with serial number "SS-1." was purchased from a fellow collector and well known SASS member. Everything seems to be exactly the same as other Four Aces models except entirely made of stainless steel and devoid of markings except for serial number and caliber. 

A truly unique example. could it be a one-of-one? We may never know. 





Instruction manual

At some point while operating in Brownsville TX., we see the user manuals being included in the box. It included loading, operating and cleaning instructions as well as a detailed parts list on the rear. 



As with the Little Ace, the Four Aces came in their own box, wrapped in a moisture resistant, wax coated paper similar to what we see with S&W today. 



The boxes were labeled with the Four Aces logo on one side and the serial number written, or in this case printed, on the other. The derringer also came in a rust-resistant wax paper.



In the bottom of each box is also a disclaimer/warning against high velocity cartridges and dry-firing. 

There are a few different box types that have been documented and most likely he used what he had available at the time. 



This was a lucky find. A prize insert from The American Handgunner Magazine 'Magnum Sweepstakes' dated 1977. The "4-ACE" being offered is chambered in .22LR. 


Listed here as the "4-ACE MODEL 202". 

Do you have a unique example you'd like to share? Email us at We would love to add any examples not covered here for future collectors!