The Pony Express Revolver

Thought to be the first firearm by Erl Svendsen while in his Chicago location, the Pony Express is a six shot, single action revolver. 

The majority of those produced were chambered in .22LR, however there were some made in .38 special was well. Most had a brass frame with steel cylinder and barrel. 


Named the "Pony Express" after Mr. Svendsen's appreciation of the Pony Express riders, this name is marked on the right side of the frame as seen here:

Directly behind this mark is the logo of the pony express rider that also appears on the upper portion of the black grip panels. 


Close up of the beautiful grip panels



There were multiple barrel lengths available and a few grip options as well. 


Serial Numbers


*Here is an original print ad in GUNS magazine from the September edition of 1956.




*Note the copyright date of 1957

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